Spaying and Neutering for Pets

Surgery with the most benefits – including reducing your pet’s risk for certain health issues.

Despite their tireless efforts, animal shelters and rescue groups cannot properly care and find homes for pets in need. Overpopulation is a serious issue not only in our local community but all over the world. As a responsible pet owner, one of they easiest ways to help with this global issue is by getting your pet spayed or neutered. Please call us at 613-695-2060 to learn more.

Do indoor pets need to be fixed?

Yes. All it takes is a window or door left open for a few minutes for your pet to come into contact with another. In addition, spaying or neutering does more than just prevent your pet from reproducing their own offspring. These procedures come with several health benefits that may display differently from pet to pet. In general, spayed females will have zero risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. They will also have reduced chances of developing certain infections, breast tumours and aggressive behaviours. Neutered males will have reduced risk of testicular cancer, other prostate conditions, as well as the drive to roam.

How long does it take for pets to recover from spays or neuters?

Each patient is different but from our observation, most fully recover about 1 week after their surgery. This is approximately how long it takes for the incision wounds to fully recover. Some pets heal longer, while some heal faster. Following your veterinarian’s post-op care instructions will also influence your pet’s recovery rate.

How should I care for my pet after their spay/neuter surgery?

Each patient may require different post-op care but in general we recommend the following:

  • No vigorous exercise for at least 7 days after surgery
  • No licking/touching of the incisions
  • No baths or swimming for at least 7 days after surgery
  • Monitor their incision for signs of infection or inflammation
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