
Client Care Representative & Veterinary Assistant

Sydney Client Care Representative & Veterinary Assistant

I chose the veterinary field because since I was a baby the love and compassion I have for animals is never ending. I knew from early on that I wanted to be in the veterinary field. I have been surrounded by animals my entire life! They ranged from Dogs, Cats, Hampsters, Turtles, Fish, Axolotl's and Lizards. I knew that small animals was my area of interest in veterinary medicine! In grade 12 of high-school, I had the chance of a CO-OP placement for 1 semester and I had done my placement at Cedarview Animal Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario. I had such an incredible learning experience during that time. Once my placement was complete and I graduated from High School in June of 2017. I then applied to the Glebe Pet Hospital. I worked at the Glebe Pet Hospital for 2 years prior to joining the Bank Street Animal Hospital's Team in June of 2021. One of the things I really do love seeing in this field is when a sick patient comes into the clinic and when they leave they are doing much better. Seeing the difference in what we do for these beautiful animals is really amazing for me. Knowing that I advocate for the animals when they cannot brings me joy every single day. With my spare time I like to explore the outdoors, I love making crafts, going on trail walks with my dogs, going biking, camping and I also love to crochet!

A fun fact about me is I collect healing crystals!